Saturday, 17 May 2014

Feature Match Round 4: Ruben Dorpmans (Infernity) vs Lionel Monfort (Constellar)

Round 4 is about to start, and for this Feature Match I brought some interesting Duelists to my table. On the left we have Monfort Lionel who is piloting a Constellar Deck, and on the right we’ll see  Dorpmans Ruben running Infernity. I hope everyone’s ready for this, because I sure am! It’s time to Duel!

Lionel would be the one to start the match, and he did so with Reinforcement of the Army to add Constellar Pollux to his hand. He summoned it along with Constellar Kaus, making them both level 5. Lionel Xyz Summoned Constellar Pleiades, set 1 card and ended. Ruben Summoned Stygian Street Patrol and activated Intsant Fusion to bring out Darkfire Dragon. Lionel used Pleiades’ effect to bounce Stygian Street Patrol. Ruben then played Foolish Burial to put another copy of Stygian Street Patrol in the Graveyard. He activated its effect to summon the bounced Patrol, and Xyz Summoned Number 101: Silent Honor ARK, but when he activated its effect Lionel activated Traptrix Trap Hole Nightmare! Ruben still had an out in the form of Soul Charge, bringing back the 2 Monsters used for 101’s Summon, and brought out Lavalval Chain with them, whose effect got negated by Effect Veiler!

Lionel’s turn again! He thought for a few seconds, then bounced one of Ruben’s face-down cards using Constellar Pleiades, then overlaid Constellar Ptolemy M7 onto it, who took out Lavalval Chain. Ruben Drew Infernity Archfiend as his second card! He summoned it and played his bounced Soul Charge, and Lionel chained Maxx "C". Ruben Special summoned Darkfire Dragon and Stygian Street Patrol, while Lionel drew a card. Using the revived monsters, Ruben summoned Diamond Dire Wolf, popped the M7 and ended his turn.

Lionel activated Fire Formation Tenki to add Constellar Kaus to his hand.  He Special Summoned Constellar Siat, and then Normal Summoned Constellar Kaus. Using their effects, both were made level 5. Ruben had Bottomless Trap Hole, to which Lionel chained its effect to get Tenki back into his hand. Now it was his turn to play Soul Charge, getting back Pollux, 2 Kaus, Siat and Ptolemy M7!

Kaus and Siat were made level 5 for a third Pleiades, while Pollux and the other Kaus were used to Xyz summon Constellar Omega! Pleiades bounced Archfiend, and Lionel ended his turn. Ruben drew Archfiend Heiress, the only other card in his hand being Infernity Archfiend. After looking through his Graveyard, he scoops up his cards.

Lionel showed us what Constellars are all about by not giving Ruben a single chance to get his engine going. Both players grab their Side Decks to look for options.

Ruben opened game 2 with a set monster and a face-down card. Lionel had Mind Control to steal the Ice Hand! He Summoned Constellar Pollux, flipped the Hand face-up and Xyz Summoned Maestroke the Symphony Djinn, who attacked Ruben directly.

Ruben drew Infernity Archfiend and summoned it, followed up by Instant Fusion to bring out Darkfire Dragon, to then Xyz Summon Number 50: Blackship of Corn. It sent Maestroke to the Grave. Ruben set a new card and ended. Lionel drew and summoned Constellar Pollux, and then Constellar Sombre. Both were used to Xyz Summon Constellar Omega, who destroyed the ship.

Ruben drew Infernity Launcher. He Summoned Ice Hand and activated Launcher, discarding his Infernity Necromancer. Ruben then used Infernity Launcher’s effect to Special Summon Infernity Necromancer, and used its effect to get back an Archfiend, thanks to which Ruben added another Necromancer to his hand. He Xyz Summoned, using Ice Hand and Infernity Archfiend for Lavalval chain, detaching Infernity Archfiend to send Stygian Street Patrol to the Graveyard.
Ruben used Stygian Street Patrol’s effect to Special Summon Infernity Necromancer, and used his effect to search for Infernity Break. He overlaid his 2 Necromancers for Leviair the Sea Dragon. It got back the banished Stygian Street Patrol, after which Ruben overlaid Stygian Street Patrol and Archfiend for Number 101: Silent Honor ARK. His effect activated to steal Omega. Ruben attacked with all of his 3 monsters, leaving Lionel with only 1300 Life Points left. He set his Infernity Break, and now had 3 cards face-down.

Lionel took some time to read Silent Honor ARK and drew for his turn. He thought for a few seconds, and decided to scoop. Ruben evens the score with an explosive array of Xyz plays! Let’s see whether he can steal the third game as well.

Lionel opens this game with Reinforcement of the Army to add Constellar Pollux to his hand. He gave his next move some thought, but decided on setting 1 card and ending his turn.

Ruben played Upstart Goblin and activated Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Ghost of a Grudge. Ruben summoned Fire Hand and dealt some damage before ending as well. Lionel set a monster and ended his turn. Ruben summoned Infernity Archfiend and activated Instant Fusion to bring out Darkfire Dragon for the third timle this match! The Dragon and the Archfiend were used to Xyz summon Number 66: Master Key Beetle , which protected a card Ruben set. Key Beetle attacked over Honest and Fire hand attacked directly.

Lionel Special summoned Cyber Dragon, then Normal Summoned Constellar Pollux and Kaus. He activated 2 copies of Constellar Star Chart and went for Constellar Pleiades, after which the Charts let him draw 2 cards. Pleiades’ effect was used to return Master Key Beetle to the Extra Deck. One of those was Soul Charge, and Lionel got back Kaus and Honest. Honest returned to the hand, and Kaus was used along with Cyber dragon for another Pleiades, which returned Fire Hand. Not being able to attack, Lionel ended his turn.

Ruben drew Mystical Space Typhoon and set it along with a Monster. In the End Phase, Lionel bounced both! He turned Pleiades into an M7, drawing 2 more cards off the Star Charts! Pollux and Kaus came down, and were used to Xyz Summon Constellar Omega. Lionel activated its effect and attacked with all his Constellars for game!

Lionel takes the win in game 3 with his tech cards, Constellar Star Chart!

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