Monday, 12 May 2014

Decklists 101

Paperwork, despite often being rather tedious, is usually pretty important. Since all the Duelist participating in Tier 2 Events should bring and hand in a Deck List, it’s important to get yours right. Here are 5 tips that will help you to do this, which will avoid you not getting any penalties for an incorrect Decklist.

1. Use the official form
Using this form right here:, your Decklist is guaranteed to look great. It is preferable to type out your cards, but printing out this form and then writing it by hand is also ok. There should be empty forms available on-site, so you have no excuse to show up with a Decklist written on anything else.

2. Write the full and exact card names
Another tip that should be quite obvious. Look at the name of your card, and write exactly that on the Decklist.
Do write: “Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginning”, “Mystical Space Typhoon”, “Elemental HERO the Shining” or “EH the Shining”
Do not write: “BLS” or “Black Luster Soldier, “MST” or “Cyclone”, “Elemental HERO Shining” or “EH Shining”

A few things should be said about this. First, due to us playing in Belgium, English, French and technically German card names are ok. Do choose 1 language to fill out your Decklist. Second, using abbreviations is okay if you do it consistently, such as using BotFF for all your Brotherhood of the Fire Fist Cards, and BW for your Blackwings. Do write what the abbreviation stands for somewhere on your Decklist.

3. Run the numbers
Make sure that the quantity of cards on your Decklist is the same as the quantity of cards in your actual Deck. This goes for both the amount of copies of a card as well as the total amount of cards. Accidentally entering a tournament with a 16-card Extra Deck, a 38-card Main Deck or 4 Cards of Consonance is a bad idea.

4. Let us know who you are!
While we do realize some of you might want to keep their identity a secret, we really do need to know your name and COSSY ID. When focussing on correctly writing down the contents of your Deck, filling out the top part of the Decklist can be something you overlook. This will most likely result in chaos and mayhem in the Deck Check Team, something we want to avoid at all costs.
Also, in Belgium we write our first name first, and family name or last name last.

5. Your Extra Deck is not your Side Deck
Not a single YCS goes by without someone writing their Extra Deck cards in their Side Deck and the other way around. While this minor detail is unlikely to result in a terrible outcome for the player, keep an eye out for this. Don’t be that guy.

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